Ruth Moir: Pianist, Performer and Teacher

Ruth Moir, Stratford piano teacher

Every student that I have taught over the years has been wonderfully unique. From that perspective I work with each student’s strengths and weaknesses, while encouraging each one to be the best they can be, as a pianist, a musician and a person.

There are different learning styles and each student will learn music reading, theory and performance in their own way. I try to keep an open mind and do my best to work with each young person in what works best for them. Parents are welcome at lessons.

There are of course basics that need to be mastered. Reading, technique and theory. However, along with the basics, and after that, there are many opportunities for each student to develop her or his unique “voice.” My aim for each student is to find enjoyment in their studies through a variety of pieces and styles. For some there will be enjoyment in improvisation and composition. (I often use Christopher Norton’s books and backing tracks for improvisation.)

As musical skills develop through piano study, my hope is that my young students will be equipped to use their talents in church, at school, with other instruments and friends, and in my Studio “Music Parties”. At Music Parties students perform for other students, their families and learn to communicate musically with others, make friends, and where they can improve their skills at the piano.

My students enjoy performing at festivals: also exams are an option for some.

So you can see that there are many goals that we can set together. And I see myself as a community music teacher helping young students on their musical journey. I respect my students, am proud of their achievements and very much love teaching them. There has been great joy for me guiding youngsters!

Of course, junior and intermediate students make up the largest percentage of any community music studio. And my studio has been the same.

However, I have been honoured over my teaching career to have helped and encouraged advanced students achieve some excellent goals and results.

A Few of My Students’ Outstanding Achievements

  • ARCT diplomas
  • Silver medals for top marks in their provinces. Including marks of 97 and 96 for grade nine and ten RCM examinations.
  • First places (and scholarships) at various music festivals Acceptance into University Music Schools from UBC to McGill.
  • Acceptance twice into the preparatory department of the Juilliard School of Music (competing with hundreds of applicants).
  • Taking 4th place (runner-up) at the Virginia Waring International Competition in Palm Springs.
  • First prize at CIBC Senior Piano Competition in Vancouver (where I was also named Teacher of the Year).
  • Top prize at the Korean Youth Piano Competition (Vancouver)
    National Winner at the Concours de Musique in Montreal (Intermediate Level).
  • Acceptance into the Casalmaggiore International Summer Music School in Italy (Santa Chiara).

About Myself

  • DMA program at Case Western University (full tuition scholarship) as a fortepianist with Penelope Crawford (fortepiano) and Igor Kipnis (harpsichord).
  • MMus (performance) from Boston University School for the Arts, with full tuition scholarships.
  • Canada Council Study Grant and a Major Arts Grant (Manitoba Arts Council) for studies with Joan Davies (pianist, BBC recording artist, touring artist and Fellow of the Royal College of Music) in the UK.
  • BMus University of Manitoba (piano, voice and viola).
  • Along with performing on piano, and with my husband in the Moir Fortepiano Duo, I have maintained private piano studios in Winnipeg, Toronto, White Rock BC and now in Stratford.


“Ruth is so positive and encouraging in her style of instruction. She provides a strong technical foundation while also taking into account A’s musical interests.” — K. (parent)

“You are the best piano teacher ever.” — S.H. (Student)

“Thank you for being such a patient and kind teacher.” — N. (parent)

“You are amazing and made all my experiences that much better.” — J. (student)

“Ruth Moir’s Studio was a place where I was inspired and thrived in my piano studies.” — R. (past student, now a fine teacher herself)

“Thank you for all you do for me, for helping me and teaching me ‘how to learn.’” — O. (student)

“You helped me learn how to ‘go for it’” — H. (student)

“Inspirational teaching, patience and expertise.” — C. (parent)

Contact Ruth Moir

  • address: 214 John St. S. Stratford ON N5A 7T3
  • telephone: (519) 508-8012
  • email:
  • website: under construction

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