Stéphane Potvin:
Teaching voice, piano, conducting, theory

Mr. Potvin’s teaches the centuries’ old method of voice training which is based on the natural development of the voice. Everything is done to help the student produce comfortable singing, with a rich and full tone without ever forcing or pushing.
Stéphane has earned a Bachelor of music in piano performance, a Bachelor of education, and a Masters’ in conducting. He received his vocal training from Louise Yard and Carol Bagott-Forte. He has been teaching voice, piano, and conducting for over thirty years. Under Mr Potvin’s tutelage, students develop both a rich and full tone and increased self-confidence.
Mr. Potvin is equally comfortable teaching students of any age, from beginners to advanced people. Lessons are one on one, with a duration of 30 to 60 minutes. Lessons take place at St James Anglican Church on Monday afternoons.

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After three years of work with Stephane, my voice production has greatly improved, and my vocal range has expanded by nearly an octave. Stéphane’s encouragement and honest approach regarding my progress or lack thereof has kept me interested and wanting to continue my studies under his guidance.
— Bruce Morrow

Stéphane’s methods were a bit unusual I thought, certainly different from former teachers I had studied with. However, after almost three years of study with him I have found that my vocal range has increased & amp; my knowledge of voice production has greatly improved. He has extensive knowledge about voice production & amp; is able to impart this knowledge to his students effectively. In conclusion, I feel he is an excellent voice teacher & I feel privileged to be studying with him.
— Mary-Lou Montgrain

Stephane Potvin has transformed my voice in just two years. As a lifelong choral singer, I used
to squeak out a high G; now I can easily pull out a high B flat! On a choir tour this year, singers
around me were clearing their throats or coughing from vocal fatigue; I had no issues
whatsoever and kept singing healthily with ease. I owe all this to Stephane!
— Lianne Tan, Oakville (Music Director, West Plains United Church)

I find Mr. Potvin to be a willing, committed, and patient teacher. His own passionate dedication to his craftand willingness to share his knowledge and experience helped me achieve very consistent competence.This did indeed enable me lead the choir to feel confident to do many well-received performances during the eight years I was co-conductor.
— Sue Crowe Connolly

My musical journey with Stephane began July 2021. Looking back, I can see a well laid out plan to achieve the “next step” on the path. I have been singing in my church choir for the last 6 years and my newfound voice and range has garnered very encouraging comments from both the minister and music director.
— Steve Burford

See other teachers of: choral, conducting, music theory, piano, voice